Doctor Support

A simple support guide to creating your Profile
How to create doctor profile?

In my profile section you can fill General Information, Education and Registration, Awards and Recognitions, Clinic/Hospital Details and Upload Documents.

How to fill your General Information

How to fill your General Information

How to fill your Education and Registration

In this section you can fill details as per your education like graduation, post-graduation and additional qualification.

1. Select your qualification 2. Fill your Medical Registration Number Detail 3. Select your Medical Council Registration Board Name from the given list 4. Fill your years of Registration 5. Select your Passing College or Institute Name (graduation, post-graduation and additional qualification) from the given list 6. Fill your Degree Detail 7. Fill your Year of Passing (graduation, post-graduation and additional qualification) 8. Submit the details How to fill your Awards & Recognitions

Here you can fill your Awards details

1. Fill your Awards & Recognitions name 2. Fill your Year in which you are awarded 3. Fill your Institute/Society Name which has awarded you How to fill your Clinic/Hospital Details

In this section you can fill your

1. Fill your full Clinic/Hospital name 2. In next step, if your center name is available in given existing hospital/clinic list then pick the name of your Clinic/Hospital 3. Fill your OPD fee amount 4. Submit the details How to Upload Documents

In this section you can fill your medical educational degree

1. Select Qualification Type (MBBS, MD, DM, BHMS, BUMS, etc) 2. Fill your Document Degree Name 3. Upload a Scanned copy or photograph of the medical registration certificate as proof (only jpg, jpeg, png format and size upto 200kb) 4. Submit the details Online Consultations

In this section you can see and manage

1. Name of Patient for Online Consultation 2. Patient Problem/Disease Details 3. Submission Date of Online Consultation 4. Online Consulted Date 5. eOPD Report details Fee Collection

In this section you can see each online consulted patient’s payment details

Payment Details

In this section you can see each online consulted patient’s payment details

Here you will see Settled Online Consultation fee Payment by Doctori Duniya, on Weekly or Monthly basis.

Bank Details

In this section Doctor can add their Bank Details for receiving payments for Online Consultation

1. Bank Name 2. Branch Name 3. Account Holder Name 4. Account Number 5. IFSC Code